Big news today from the admin over at WealthyCashMagnet. Looks like the forum has been launched at It's main purpose is to create another source of sustainable income to try and keep the WCM running well into the future. It is possible for this to work out as a source of income but only if the forums become popular enough to receive a significant amount of daily traffic. With other forums already out there like MMG, TalkGold, and DreamTeamMoney, it may be difficult to do. In any case, it is a good indication that the admin of the program is really hustling to make the program last so I do hope it is a success. As an incentive, members of WCM are being offered $1 for each proof of payment posted on the forums! Also there are many contests promised for the future.
Another promotion is being offered for any deposits made through Liberty Reserve between Feb. 24th-28th. All deposits will receive a 5% bonus as long as a support ticket is submitted after the deposit is made.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
RicanAdFunds/ismAdsIncome Down Time
For those wondering what's been going on at RicanAdFunds and ismAdsIncome lately, there's no need to worry. The program's admins Richard and Russel have been making it very clear all along that the site is simply down in order to take care of some security issues that need to be dealt with asap. They have assured that the site will be back up by Tuesday the 26th at the latest, and we will still be credited for the days the site was down. Here's a message from Richard Cannon on facebook:
It has never been our style not to let you know what it going on. I repeat that I never said that there would never be any issues, I just said that we would always do everything for the best of our members. As we updated code we became very aware of a security issue that we don;t want so after discussion with Russel and our technical team we have decided to encrypt all the code, have a dedicated server per site and also another server just for the support software - this is being done now and as soon as the encryption is completed and fully tested the site will be back up. This will be Tuesday at the very latest. All earnings will be paid and RAF as it is growing very fast will only be better and stronger - thank you to you all - we appreciate you for your support and patience and for making RAF what it is today.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
WealthyCashMagnet Review
What is it? How does it work?
WealthyCashMagnet is a long-term passive online income program based on advertising. Advertising packages, which WCM calls "PIPs" are sold and range in value from $8 to $256 each. These ad packs offer a certain amount of credits which can be used to advertise your website or online business. WCM members also receive a percentage of the sites profits for each ad pack that is purchased. Every 8 days, members earn roughly 21% of their total spent on advertising packs until they expire after 12 cycles. That works out to roughly 2.625% per day for 96 days. For example, if $384 was spent on 12 PIP 3 ad packages ($32 each), then every 8 days the member would receive $81 for a total of $972 after 12 cycles. However, a minimum of 50% is automatically put into a repurchase balance used to buy additional ad packs. This is essentially automatic compounding which can be set from 50% to 100%. This will ensure both higher, and longer lasting profits from the program.
Referral Commissions
WealthyCashMagnet is a passive income generator, therefore you don't have to do anything but purchase ad packs in order to earn money. However, they also offer referral commission for those who wish to actively promote the program and refer others. WCM offers commission on each position purchased by a referral:
PIP 1: $8 --> $1
PIP 2: $16 --> $2
PIP 3: $32 --> $3
PIP 4: $64 --> $5
PIP 5: $128 --> $10
PIP 6: $256 --> $15
Payment Processors
WealthyCashMagnet accepts the following payment processors: Solid Trust Pay, EgoPay, Payza, Perfect Money, and Liberty Reserve. The fees are 6% for deposits, and $2 per withdrawal with a $5 minimum withdrawal. Additionally, there is an initial one time $10 membership fee in order to earn on ad packs. Withdrawals are processed from Monday to Friday and in my experience are processed almost immediately after requesting, but may take up to 24 hours.
Will it Last?
In my opinion, WealthyCashMagnet has what it takes to keep itself running for a long time. It's actually selling something (advertising), and it uses external sources to generate profits, primarily through Forex. According to the program's admin, the initial goal was to keep it running for 1 year. Due to its success thus far, he has his sights set much further to 5 years. While this all sounds nice, it is important to remember that programs like WCM are still high risk, and could come to an end at anytime despite the good intentions of the programs administrator.
Official MMG Forum Thread (admin posts here under username "WCM")
Official Facebook Group
Skype id: wealthy.cashmagnet
Friday, February 8, 2013
RicanAdFunds Update & Payment Proof
Although the site was down for a couple of hours today, there is absolutely no reason to worry. It was simply to load the Feb Phase 1 updates.
If you want to keep up to date on all the latest news from RicanAdFunds, check out the RAF Official NewsWire. Or, if you wish to subscribe to their official RSS feed you can do so here.
The program continues to move forward and has just recently passed $6 million in advertising sales! Here are all the latest stats:
Online Days: 135 days
Total Members: 27332
Total Paid: $4,801,155.76
Purchases: $6,356,550.00
If you want to keep up to date on all the latest news from RicanAdFunds, check out the RAF Official NewsWire. Or, if you wish to subscribe to their official RSS feed you can do so here.
The program continues to move forward and has just recently passed $6 million in advertising sales! Here are all the latest stats:
Online Days: 135 days
Total Members: 27332
Total Paid: $4,801,155.76
Purchases: $6,356,550.00
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Amazing Money Magnet
Another one bites the dust... It has become increasingly clear over the past week or two that is done. Members had been reporting not receiving their SolidTrustPay payments with no response from support, but Payza payments were still being processed. However, it now seems that Payza payments are also not being processed so we can officially report that Amazing Money Magnet is no longer paying and it will no longer be recommended. This is unfortunately just part of the game, so cut your losses and its on to the next one. It's been said a million times, but don't invest money you can't afford to lose.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sol-R Energy
Sol-R Energy is a new High Yield Investment Program from the same admin as Enr-G, a successful program that was around last year. Enr-G was both successful and popular, and those of us who got in early ended up in profit. So now is the time to get in while its still in the beginning stages!
The program is officially registered in the United Kingdom under the name WolrdPro Limited. (
It offers three different investment options:
Dawn ($10-$1499.99) 2.2% Daily
Sunrise ($1500-$9999) 2.5% Daily
Solar Noon ($10000-) 2.7% Daily
All three are 90 day terms and interest is paid every day, 7 days per week. Best of all, you can compound daily, and the option is given to compound anywhere from 10%-100% in 10% increments. This can be changed at any time during the investment period. The website also features a calculator to calculate your potential earnings with compounding. (
One other highlight of the program is that it offers instant withdrawals however the only payment processors at the time being are Solid Trust Pay and Ego Pay. Just Like any HYIP, investing in Sol-R does come with some risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose.
Official Facebook Page
MMG Forum Thread
DreamTeamMoney Forum Thread
Friday, January 25, 2013
RicanAdFunds Update
Here's the latest stats from RicanAdFunds:
Online Days: 122 days
Total Members: 21872
Total Paid: $3,163,790.43
Purchases: $4,272,225.00
The program is growing at an unbelievable pace with well over $4 million in Ad Packs purchased and more than 20,000 members!! Congratulations to Richard Cannon and Russel Chapman for running, in my opinion, the best two programs out there right now! The first 125 day cycle is just about to come to an end so I hope everyone has been steadily purchasing new Ad Packs before all the old ones expire. From the looks of it this one still has a ton of life left in it.
Online Days: 122 days
Total Members: 21872
Total Paid: $3,163,790.43
Purchases: $4,272,225.00
The program is growing at an unbelievable pace with well over $4 million in Ad Packs purchased and more than 20,000 members!! Congratulations to Richard Cannon and Russel Chapman for running, in my opinion, the best two programs out there right now! The first 125 day cycle is just about to come to an end so I hope everyone has been steadily purchasing new Ad Packs before all the old ones expire. From the looks of it this one still has a ton of life left in it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My Current Favorite Passive Income Programs
1.) Number would have to be RicanAdFunds. RAF offers 2% per day for 125 days. That's a minimum of 250% ROI, but through compounding the sky is the limit. If you haven't read my main post on RicanAdFunds, I go into more detail about the program. I expect this program to be around for a long time to come, so if you haven't already, head over to and don't miss out on an amazing opportunity to make your money multiply!
2.) Next up is ismAdsIncome. This one is from the same people in charge of RicanAdFunds, as well as the network marketinging site IsmAdFunds has been around a little bit longer than Rican and the two programs share much in common. Ism offers 1.5% per day for 200 days, resulting in a minimum of 300% ROI. This site is is better suited for those who may not require as fast of a return as Rican. Just like RicanAdFunds, I expect ismAdsIncome to be around for the long haul due to the amazing efforts of those in charge of the programs.

3.) Wealthy Cash Magnet is another one of my favorite passive money makers. This is a long term investment opportunity where profits are earned every 8 days. There is a mandatory 50% reinvestment with all profits earned but this results in a long term source of income that will last. The administrator of the program has an active online presence and is always around to address any concerns.
2.) Next up is ismAdsIncome. This one is from the same people in charge of RicanAdFunds, as well as the network marketinging site IsmAdFunds has been around a little bit longer than Rican and the two programs share much in common. Ism offers 1.5% per day for 200 days, resulting in a minimum of 300% ROI. This site is is better suited for those who may not require as fast of a return as Rican. Just like RicanAdFunds, I expect ismAdsIncome to be around for the long haul due to the amazing efforts of those in charge of the programs.
3.) Wealthy Cash Magnet is another one of my favorite passive money makers. This is a long term investment opportunity where profits are earned every 8 days. There is a mandatory 50% reinvestment with all profits earned but this results in a long term source of income that will last. The administrator of the program has an active online presence and is always around to address any concerns.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Is RicanAdFunds a Scam?
What is RicanAdFunds?
RicanAdFunds is an amazing opportunity to greatly expand your income. Money is earned through the purchase of Ad Packages which cost $15 and earn 2% each day for the span of 125 days. That's a minimum of 250% profit on every Ad Pack! For example, say you purchase 10 Ad Packs at a total cost of $150. You would earn $3 per day for 125 days resulting in $375 or 250% of your deposit! In this scenario, the initial $150 would be earned back in just 50 days while the remaining 75 days would be pure profit. The more you invest, the more you will earn, especially through daily compounding. Below, I will show you how you can earn anywhere from 600% and upwards return on your investment through compounding.
What Do I Have To Do To Earn?
Nothing! That's right, nothing at all (aside from an initial sum of money to be invested) needs to be done in order to earn money from RicanAdFunds. The most you will have to do, if you choose to compound your earnings each day, is to take one minute to purchase an Ad Pack each day. Unlike so many other programs out there, there are no websites to be viewed, ads to be clicked, referrals to be made, or matrices to cycle. Once your initial investment is made, simply sit back and watch your daily earnings accumulate. For that reason, RicanAdFunds is a perfect passive earning opportunity. For those who have some extra time to help promote the program, referral commissions can help your earnings really take off. They offer 3 levels of commission on referrals: 7% for the first level, 5% for the second level, and 3% for the third level. It is by no means necessary, but it is encouraged as your earnings will increase even further.
How Much Money Can Be Earned?
Now for the question that everyone really wants to know, how much can be earned through RicanAdFunds? The answer depends on two things:
1) Amount of initial investment (The more money invested, the more profit)
2) Compounding
While this first is pretty simple (a larger investment results in a larger 2% daily earning), the second may require more of an explanation for those not so experienced in investing. Compounding simply refers to the re-investment of profits earned on the initial investment. Because RicanAdFunds pays daily, the potential for earning exponentially more through compounding is quite high.
How To Maximize Your Profits Using Compounding
The best strategy to earn money in RAF is by utilizing daily compounding. For this I suggest a minimum deposit of $750 so that $15 (1 Ad Package) can be reinvested each day. Of course, a larger deposit will yield a larger return, but $750 will be used as an example.
1) Purchase 50 Ad Packages for a $750 initial deposit (50x$15=$750).
2) Using your profits earned from the first day($750x2%=$15) purchase one more Ad Package.
3) On the next day, you will earn an additional $0.30 profit on your now $765 worth of Ad Packages bringing your daily earning to $15.60. Using this money, again purchase one Ad Pack ($15) and keep the remainder.
4) Continue compounding at this exact same rate: one Ad Package ($15) per day while saving the additional profits to eventually withdraw at whatever point you choose.
5) After 72 days you will have earned back your initial deposit of $750, but continue compounding and watch your daily earnings increase. By this point your $750 worth of Ad Packages will have turned into $1,815, and your $15 daily earnings to $36!
6) After 125 days, your initial $750 worth of Ad Packages will expire and you will have earned $2,325 thus far. Your daily earnings will have reached $52 with $2,610 worth of Ad Packs. Furthermore, although your initial 50 ad packs will expire, you will continue to earn on the additional Ad Packs you have been purchasing daily.
7) At this point, you can choose whether or not you wish to continue investing with a larger or amount. However, the Ad Packs you have will continue earning for an aditional 125 days. After 250 days in total, the initial deposit of $750 could turn into a minimum $4,650 or over 600%!!
The benefits of daily compounding become quite clear! Although it will take a little bit longer to start earning a substantial amount and to return your investment, you will earn exponentially more in the long run.
How Do I Know It Is Legitimate?
This is probably the most important question one could ask. RicanAdFunds is part of Rican Business Ventures, which is a registered company in the UK (details can be found here). Its administrators are Richard Cannon and Russel Chapman who brought us the social marketing site ISMmagic, and its affiliate site ismAdsIncome. I feel confident myself in promoting this company after spending countless hours researching it online, and receiving multiple payments on time and as requested. One of the best resources I have found for getting both honest and reliable testimonials and payment proofs is through the official RicanAdFunds thread on the MoneyMakerGroup forums. Here you will find many examples from a variety of users who have been successfully earning money through the program. (
![]() | |
Payment Proof |
Another resource worth checking out is its Alexa ranking page. Here you can see that traffic to has steadily been on the increase since the programs launch in 2012.
How Does it Work?
Thus far, this all may sound too good to be true, which is quite understandable. What makes this program sustainable is in the other main purpose of RicanAdFunds which is advertisement exchange and business promotion. With the purchase of each $15 AdPack, you will receive:
-5000 Header Banner (486 x 60) Impressions
-5000 Feature Banner (125 x 125) Impressions
-5000 Feature Text Ad Impressions
This will enable those who are interested to promote and advertise their online business through banner and text ads posted to the website. With as much traffic as the site receives on a daily basis, this results in a very successful advertising exchange.
What Makes RicanAdFunds Different From Other Programs Out There?
The primary difference between RicanAdFunds and other similar programs is in the close relationship between its owners and its members. Unlike the majority of online investment programs out there, you do not have to worry about any nameless, faceless figures behind the curtains running the show. The administrators of the program are active online in places like the MMG Forum and on Facebook. This means that you can speak directly with the administrators themselves regarding any potential issues that may arise.
Official Thread on MoneyMakerGroup Forums
Official Facebook Group
How Do I Sign Up? Do I Have to Give My Bank/Credit Card Information?
Sign up for free here. Just click "Join Now" at the top of the page and you will be asked to fill out your details. RicanAdFunds utilizes third party payment processors (SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney) in order to minimize risk. If you do not have an account at any of the four payment processors, it will be necessary to create one first before your RicanAdFunds acount can be funded. My favorite is SolidTrust Pay, due to their low fees, and excellent customer service on the phone.
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